Friday, February 8, 2008

Men like video games? Really.

Using an MRI and a ball-destroying, terratory-grabbing video game, scientists have now determined that men like agressive games more than women do.

Uh... Duh...

I suppose our good friends at Stanford University School of Medicine were trying to find connections in the brain to addiction, but this test on 22 young adults (11 men and 11 women) is a bit small to make huge conclusions.

Still, most gamers could tell you the idea is pretty accurate. Generally men like shooters, women like building or society forming type games.

In a story on Science Daily, the writer notes that:

"This research also suggests that males have neural circuitry that makes them more liable than women to feel rewarded by a computer game with a territorial component and then more motivated to continue game-playing behavior. Based on this, he said, it makes sense that males are more prone to getting hooked on video games than females."

I'm not sure that's the case. They need to test women on games like The Sims 2 or World of Warcraft before jumping to conclusions.

But hey, at least somebody's paying attention to the addled minds of us gamers.

Here's the full story:

Video Games Activate Reward Regions of Brain in Men More than Women


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