Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dino-eating frog from hell - I love it!

Scientists from University College London and Stony Brook University New York have discovered a 70-million year old giant frog dubbed Beelzebufo, for "the frog from hell," in Madagascar.

This big fat monstrosity, which weighed about 10 pounds, might well have munched on baby dinosaurs as part of its daily diet.

The critter was very similar to modern horned frogs, the researchers think, although it was about twice their size.

According to a Science Daily article:

"This frog, a relative of today's Horned toads, would have been the size of a slightly squashed beach-ball, with short legs and a big mouth," said Professor Susan Evans of the UCL Department of Cell & Developmental Biology. "If it shared the aggressive temperament and 'sit-and-wait' ambush tactics of living Horned toads, it would have been a formidable predator on small animals. Its diet would most likely have consisted of insects and small vertebrates like lizards, but it's not impossible that Beelzebufo might even have munched on hatchling or juvenile dinosaurs."

Here's the full link:

Giant Frog Jumps Continents, May Have Eaten Baby Dinosaurs


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